Get started with integrating Afficone into your website
Adding the tracking script to your website
In order for us to track visits (clicks) referred by your affiliates, you’ll need to add our script to your website.
If you’re reading this, chances are, you’re going for a custom integration. Add the Afficone script to your page and make sure to replace [YOUR_SITE_TOKEN]
with your portal’s token:
<script async src="[YOUR_SITE_TOKEN]" />
That’s all! We will additionally track referrers, locations & more information about your customers so your affiliates can have full insight into their audience.
A good way to check if everything went smooth is opening Chrome Developer Tools and searching for your portal’s token.
If everything is working as intended, the <script>
tag should look like this:
<script src="" [..any other attributes]></script>
or possibly like this:
<link rel="preload" src="" as="script">
What’s important is that the script URL stays intact with the token being at the end of it.
Another way to check is by opening your browser console and typing window.Afficone.affiData
. This should show you information about your portal.
Please note that you have to make sure the script is on all of your important pages. If you have it on your landing page, but not on your billing page, we will not be able to track orders for some integrations.
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