After signing up and selecting WooCommerce as your payment provider, you need to do a few things before you can start using Afficone.

  1. Install our tracking plugin on your website

Download Plugin

Current version: 1.3.3

In order to track and attribute orders properly, you’ll need to install the Afficone plugin to your WordPress website. You can do that by:

  1. Going to Plugins → Add New Plugin.
  2. Press the Upload Plugin button on the top.
  3. Select the plugin .zip file and hit Install Now.

After installing it, you should make sure there isn’t a compatibility error.

  1. Make sure you don’t have any conflicting plugins

It’s pretty common for WordPress sites to have plugins that optimize static files like images and javascript scripts. This can cause the Afficone tracking script to not work as intended.

In order to fix the WP Rocket plugin conflict, Please add to File Optimizations > JavaScript Files > Excluded JavaScript Files.

WP Rocket settings

Also, if you’re using the Delay JavaScript execution feature, make sure to exclude our script.

WP Rocket lazy-loading settings