After signing up and selecting Paddle as your payment provider, you need to do a few things before you can start using Afficone.

  1. Install our tracking script on your website

In order to track affiliate clicks, you have to add our <script> tag to all of your website’s pages.

For example, if you have a landing page at, but your billing page is at, you have to add the script to both of these pages.


Add the Afficone tracking script to your website.

  1. Create a Paddle webhook

Afficone needs to use a Paddle webhook to track your sales, subscriptions and refunds.

You can find this menu in Developer Tools > Notifications > New Destination.

The webhook URL has to be[Your-Portal-Token]. You’ll receive a unique portal token once you sign up and choose your payment provider.

Paddle Webhooks

Make sure to check the following events:

  • transaction.completed
  • adjustment.created
  • adjustment.updated

Once you’re done, pass the webhook secret to our setup so we can that verify webhooks are really coming from your Paddle account.

Our tracking script handles all Paddle integrations for you. Just make sure it’s placed on all your important pages, including landing page.